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Siam University Engaged in Charity Workshops


“Charity begins at home”. A common phrase of love shared between peoples and societies. Charity a key to bring back lost virtues in a society. Charity a key to uniting people together and prosper as a nation.

If Charity doesn’t begin at home where else will it emerge successfully? Siam University had set-outs “Academic Agencies” to support the charity programs and other communitarian duties in Thailand, and these Agencies are located in different provinces of Thailand.


  1. To encourage brotherly love within the community
  2. To encourage and promote generosity within the community
  3. To extend charity to those in need
  4. To unite the whole communities by given.

The aforementioned objectives are believed to be achieved by the SIAM. Those are the reasons behind the establishment these agencies to assist in the areas that will promote or to contribute to the progressiveness of a society.

Siam University Academic Agencies Chiang Rai Province organized a charity event called the “Winter Activity” dedicated to the glory of His Majesty the King of Thailand. On the occasion of his birthday that took place on December 5th 2014. This event was organized to support charity in the communities.

Activities that were carried on this event included:-

  1. “Donation of winter cloths” to the poor and disadvantaged people in the north of the country
  2. Provision of Foods and basic needs
  3. Packages for medical treatments

These are the activities that are carried out on this event and SIAM hopes to maintain these “Charity Works every year for the betterment of the nation at large.

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